Senator Lee Holds First “Classroom Townhall” Event with Independence H.S. of Provo, Utah

December 9, 2014

Today I spoke, via Skype, with a group of students from Independence High School of Provo, Utah, and their U.S. Government teacher, Mr. David Miller. After spending a few minutes telling the students about the legislative process in the U.S. Senate and explaining my constitutional duties as an elected representative, we had an exciting conversation about current events and policy hot topics that were of interest to the class.

I was very impressed with the thoughtful and intelligent questions that were asked of me. It was clear that the students understood, and took seriously, their rights and responsibilities as free citizens in a democratic republic like the United States.

Our discussion covered everything from federal drug laws to the challenges and opportunities facing young Americans today as they enter adulthood and pursue their education or start a career. Some students wanted to know whether or not I like my job (I said yes), and others asked what my opinion is on the government’s record of defending our nation from the threat of terrorism without infringing on people’s privacy. Ultimately, I agreed with many of the students that it’s unnecessary for TSA agents to pat down little old ladies at airport security!

Skype Screenshot of Students

I’m grateful for the students of Independence High School and for their interest in learning more about our system of government. I’m also thankful for Mr. Miller and his efforts to organize this great event. A retired Lieutenant colonel, Mr. Miller explained the importance of young people connecting with their elected representatives: “As a veteran of the US Army (25 years) I feel honored and blessed to be able to teach the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to these students. I have been stressing the need for them to be involved in their government, and that government by the people only works when the people are involved. Senator Lee proved to them that their voice matters.”

If you are interested in scheduling a “Classroom Townhall” event, please contact my office here. Or if you’re interested in booking a visit from my “Mobile Office,” please click here.