Lee Responds to Chairman Priebus’ Remarks on a GOP Agenda

October 2, 2014

WASHINGTON – Following Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus’ speech at George Washington University entitled “Principles for an American Renewal,” Senator Mike Lee released the following response:

LEE: “Chairman Priebus has laid out the case for how Republicans should succeed this fall.  We have a broad agenda to address Americans’ economic and national security concerns, while the Democrats are forced to run on their failed record of Obamacare, unemployment, and debt.  The choice couldn’t be more clear and it’s up to the American people to decide the course we take.

“Chairman Priebus succinctly expressed Republican core principles and values, and presented numerous examples of solutions Republicans have produced by applying those principles to the challenges facing working families today.  We have proposals to increase economic security among the middle class, improve mobility for working-class families, and ensure the system is no longer rigged for those at the top.

“It is an ambitious vision for the future of our country and demonstrates the kind of leadership Americans are desperate for.  I am encouraged that the GOP is the party of ideas once again.”