Lee: Support for CR is a ‘Losing Strategy’

March 15, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee of Utah announced he would continue to oppose any continuation of current spending that did not seriously address our deficit and debt, and lacked structural spending reforms. Lee said he plans to vote against the ‘continuing resolution’ that is expected to come to the Senate floor this week because the so-called spending ‘cuts’ in the bill are inadequate and it does not take steps to prevent future overspending.

“It is unfortunate that Members of Congress in both parties are supporting a losing strategy, rather than doing what is right for the country,” said Lee. “The continuing resolution maintains unsustainable spending levels despite widespread agreement that we need meaningful reductions. The question before the Senate is whether we are going to take bold action now to reduce our deficit and control spending, or keep putting it off and drive the country further into debt.

“I am pleased to see a growing number of Members beginning to see the budget debate in these terms and have pledged to oppose additional continuing resolutions. My hope is that we attract enough support to finally put an end to this short-sighted tactic and forge a long-term agreement that is right for the American people.”