Lee Land Bill Clears Congress

December 8, 2011

Yesterday, legislation introduced by Senator Mike Lee passed both chambers of Congress for the first time. The House voted unanimously in approval of its version of a bill that authorizes the transfer of vacant and virtually unused federal land in Utah to the growing city of Mantua. The Senate version has already been passed, also unanimously.

Under the new law, Mantua will gain control of nearly 32 acres of land in Box Elder County that was originally owned by Hans Rasmussen, an early settler of Mantua. His family eventually deeded the land to the U.S. Forest Service in 1941 for $1.00. Mantua will not be required to pay for the land.

It is a testament to the success of our state and cities like Mantua that this bill was necessary,” said Senator Lee, who sits on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “Mantua can use the land productively and the federal government has no pressing need for it. I am glad that the House passed Congressman Rob Bishop’s version of this legislation.